On the 27th of October the Director of New
Energy Department, Ms ZHANG Jiali, of the China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute and Mr Wills
Agricole, Principal Secretary of the Department of Energy and Climate Change
signed a technical agreement for the implementation of the Low Carbon Pilot
project to be implemented in
Seychelles. The signing ceremony was
done at the Office of the Minister for of Environment, Energy and Climate
Change at Le Chantier Mall. Present at the signing ceremony was the Chinese
ambassador to Seychelles, Ambassador Yu Jinsong and Minister Didier Dogley.

The aim of the Low-Carbon Pilot Project is for
the development and utilization of clean energy to students and social
residents, promote low-carbon energy Application, explore the potential of
Seychelles to use renewable energy, and provide technical and empirical support
for future optimization of the Seychelles energy supply structure.
Entrusted by the NDRC, China Renewable Energy
Engineering Institute (CREEI) dispatched an expert working group to visit the
sites in Seychelles to examine the present conditions and status of buildings
and infrastructures related to the project. The working group and the Ministry
of Environment, Energy and Climate Change of Seychelles (MEECC) also had
several consultations with relevant government agencies in Seychelles on
project execution and technical schemes such as the Seychelles Energy
Commission (SEC), Seychelles Land Transportation Agency (SLTA) , Ministry of
Education, Seychelles Planning Authority, Seychelles National Parks Authority
(SNPA) and Seychelles Public Utilities Corporation(PUC), Ministry of land use
and habitat (MLUH). The project implementation will start in the first
quarter of 2018 after the equipment has been shipped to Seychelles.
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